Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


First Round of Slovak Debate League

EGT hosted the first tournament of SDL. It started on Friday 6th and ended on Saturday 7th November 2009. Topic of this event was November 1989 and that is why the prepared motion was Lists of the co-operators of communist secret services should not have been publicized (direct translation from Slovak language). This year a debate region of middle Slovakia was re-opened again. As a result of this the majority of participants were beginners and intermediate debaters. That is why the preparation for this motion, more specifically getting familiar with communist regime and subsequently comparing the values of communism with those today (democratic ones), was very educative and many students learned something new, which is a huge benefit for them itself.
Students from Sučany, Liptovský Mikuláš and Tisovec participated there. At the end debaters from Sučany managed to win first two places and Tisovec came third, with the final balance of 3 wins and 1 lost. In the evaluation of individuals the best debater of the tournament became Juraj Vojčiak from EGT.

text: Juraj Vojčiak, 5. B
photo: Branislav Kotoč, absolvent 2008

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Prvé regionálne SDL

EGT malo tú česť hosťovať prvú tohtoročnú regionálku SDL (Slovenskej debatnej ligy), ktorá prebiehala 6.a 7. novembra 2009 práve v priestoroch školy. Témou tohto podujatia bolo pripomenutie novembra 1989 a aj preto pripravovaná téza znela Zoznamy spolupracovníkov komunistických tajných služieb nemali byť zverejnené. Keďže po vlaňajšej absencii bol znovu otvorený stredoslovenský región, debatovali o tejto téme najmä začínajúci a stredne pokročilí debatéri. Preto verím, že samotná príprava, pri ktorej sa študenti zoznamovali s bývalým režimom a museli porovnávať hodnoty vtedajšej doby s dnešnými demokratickými, bola pre študentov veľkým prínosom.
Do Tisovca prišli študenti zo Sučian, Liptovského Mikuláša a samozrejme Tisovca. Napokon prvé dva miesta obsadili Sučany a na treťom mieste sa umiestnili študenti z EGT s troma výhrami a jednou prehrou. V individuálnom hodnotení sa najlepším rečníkom turnaja stal Juraj Vojčiak z EGT.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk